Global Market Research & Analysis Reports
Over 50 Reports for each Product is avaiable with NavaTies. Generate International Trade Reports with the help of Data Analysis & Artificial Intelligence and analyze & increase your Trade Possibilities.

Detailed International Market Research for Your Products
Generate over 50 Reports with tables and charts (pie, bar, line, etc.,) for each and every product that is traded in the world. Use different parameters as per your needs
Parameters available to Select
- Product / Sectors based on your 2 Digit, 4 Digit & 6 Digit HS Codes
- Number of Countries to be evaluated
- Point of View country for Comparison
- Type of Trade (Imports/Exports/Both)
- Number of years (starts from 2019 - 2023)
- Trade Perspecive (By Value or Quantity)
- Type of Report (Total Trade Report, Detail Report, Growth Report, Best Rates Report, New Opportunities Report)
What are these Reports?
International Trade is subjected to change based on variety of scenarios which includes but not limited to Supply/Demand, Economy, Geo-Politics, Internal Politics, Environmental changes (Drought, Floods, Climate Change), Production Capacity, etc., Hence it is important to keep abreast of where the demand is and at what rates they is available. Hence to maximize profit and reduce costs, it is imperative to do different type of analysis so that exporters and importers are able to identify the right markets, new markets and profitable markets. While there are multiple report that can be created
Trade Report: These reports are generated to identify which are the top countries that trade the selected product or in the selected industry based on the selected parameters and give a comparison with the selected country's point of view.
Detailed Report: These reports take into consideration the top countries selected as part of Trade Report and dvelve into detail on which are the countries they interact with for the trade of the said product or in the selected sector based on the selected parameters.
Growth Report: These reports creates a Growth Matrix for the given product and analyzes for the given period what is the minimum and maximum growth potential for the given product or given sector and analyzes if there is scope to enter those markets based on the selected parameters
Best Rates Report: These reports give an indication of the countries which could offer you the best rates (higher rates for exporters or lower rates for importers) for the products and industry you operate based on your selected parameters
New Opportunities Report: These reports give an indication of all the countries where there is a potential to export of a product and that the country has not considered to enter in a larger way for a variety of reasons.
* - Download Sample Report