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Connect to international markets through One-Stop Marketplace

Looking to explore international markets for your business? Navaties is the safe way to do it! With our export and import services, you can easily connect with buyers and sellers around the world. And with our marketing tools, you can be sure you're getting the best possible deals. So why wait? Get started today with navaties!

NavaTies, a unique platform of global engagement and marketplace built for businesses to explore local and international markets seamlessly. A unique platform that seamlessly brings together several Global Business, to expand your businesses abroad. Through AI backed data analytics, it’s made easy to identify markets to explore, where Indian Small Businesses, Starups and MSMEs can have maximum market share. Navaties makes it quick and easy to understand the export potential in any country for your business.

We provide Indian Startups, MSMEs and new exporters the confidence they need to enter new markets for their products and services.

We are experts in data analysis and assist MSME’s in finding new markets. Finding new markets with sizable demand for any products or services will give MSMEs the assurance they need to assess the export potential for their business.

I am pleased to forward this concept of IndiaTIES which I am sure you will like. Our view is that it will also resonate with MITC , Tourism and Trade Ministry
Malawi High Commission in New Delhi in email to Malawi Trade Ministry

I have always struggled to see multiple platforms and duplication among our businesses in India. I hope your online platform will become a single point contact. I wish you all the best. Please do keep us updated.
First Secretary, Embassy of India in Austria

Ambassador has directed me to convey & disseminate your ecosystem to the capital (Vientiane, Laos) & sectors concerned via Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and yesterday conveyed formally your ecosystem to Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lao to on one hand convey to all relevant sectors of Laos
Commerce Secretary, Embassy of Laos in New Delhi

The Mission has the honor to acknowledge receipt of regarding Support and Partnership and Engagement as part of India Zambia Ecosystem and we shall forward it to our esteemed stake holders in Zambia
Honorable High Commissioner of High Commission of Zambia in India

Can you build a similar platform for us to use in internal to Namibia? We want to help local businesses use to improve internal trade
Commercial Counselor, High Commission of Republic of Namibia in New Delhi

Indian Embassy in Thimphu, Bhutan gives NavaTies requirements to identify buyers in 29 Segments
The Embassy of India in Thimphu, Bhutan, sought the support of Navaties in connecting businesses in 29 Industry segments which includes Petroleum Products, Organic and inorganic chemicals, RMG of Textiles, Gems and Jewellery, Oil Seeds, Tea, Coffee, etc.,

Embassy of Laos in New Delhi sought support for Export of Wood to India
The Second Secretary (Commerce) at the Embassy of Lao People’s Democratic Republic sought the support of NavaTies to find distributors for a Wood / Timber manufacturing company based out of Laos to explore India Market.

EasyKrishi Exports 1 Container of Rice to Bulgaria
Spice, cereal, and pulse trader EasyKrishi is situated in Bengaluru. They assist buyers in acquiring products that meet the buyer's demands and help importers locate sellers. To find opportunities for a Bulgarian rice importer to send one container (22 MT) of brown rice as a trial, Easy Krishi worked with NavaTies. The company is currently working on the chance to export one vessel of rice, or 15,000 MT, to Bulgaria and other parts of Europe with a value of over 50 Crores.

Virgosys Software receives a Web & Mobile application project from the United States of America
Virgosys Software, a Bangalore Based 25 years old IT Company used NavaTies to pitch to 4 projects in IT Services for clients from US, Singapore and Local to India. They were able to show interest to the requirements that were posted in NavaTies, have engagement with the customers and take it to the next level

Migrate to Digital finds Partner company in Afghanistan for their Hospital Management System
Migrate to Digital, a SAAS based Software company having a detailed Hospital Management System and a School ERP were able to find Partners in Afghanistan to sell the product to the Afghan markets. Further they used NavaTies to identify partners to sell the software to Tier 2-3 cities in Karnataka.

ENS Logistics identifies International partners to assist with supply chain management and to aid in the export of rice to Bulgaria
ENS Logistics is a Bangalore based International Logistics company to provide supply chain and logistical support to exporters. They were able to identify clients in NavaTies to send cargo to other countries. ENS Logistics did the cargo shipment of Easy Krishi’s Rice requirement to Bulgaria

Decisive Zone, UAE found 200 connections on NavaTies
Decisive Zone is a registered company in Dubai, that offers advisory services to companies and startups looking to establish and explore Dubai as a commercial location. Mr. Mohammed Sufiyan, Business Partner of Decisive Zone, used NavaTies to interact with a variety of businesses on the platform and sell all types of licensing/registration options through Navaties

Essential Oils Exports for Vijayasugandhi
Vijayasugandhi Extracts engages in the trade of spices and essential oils. They manufacture essential oils under contract and have a sizable farmer base from which they purchase different kinds of spices for the domestic and foreign markets. Using NavaTies, Vijayasugandhi was able to locate European importers for their goods.

Over 1000 businesses have used Navaties Udyam Registration Support to acquire MSME Certificate for FREE
Navaties has been instrumental in executing an Udyam Registration support drive where over 1000 businesses have been supported with content and guidance to help them register and get the Udyam Registration (MSME) Certificate. Further many businesses were supported to acquire GEM Registrations via the platform.

NavaTies is used by more than 75 businesses for ISO Certification.
Navaties worked with various companies to find quality and reliable vendor to acquire ISO certifications for their business at most economical price. NavaTies played a pivotal role in ensuring that the Certification body and auditors reduced their fees and assisted MSMEs and small enterprises in obtaining an ISO Certification for their business. This activity was also promoted by KASSIA as it offered at most economical price.

Industries Dept inks MoU to boost exports

Panaji: The directorate of industries, trade and commerce (DITC) has inked an MoU with NavaTies Solutions Private Limited to promote Goan exports, particularly manufactured goods, ijn order to increase the State's export revenue. DITC hopes that the Bengaluru-based firm, which has expertise in data analytics and engagement could help Goan businesses tap international demand and analyse newer markets.

Under the scope of this MoU, the company and DITC will work to identifying sectors that are currently exporting goods and services as well as the potential industries and businesses which has the potential to export.

NavaTies Solutions will also organize progrmmes that help Goans to understand the export market and the opportunities it brings.

"NavaTies Solutions will provide necessary knowledge and engagement to increase exports, provide support to identify the new markets, provide setup support, marketing support and transaction support where necessary" said a senior DITC Official

The MoU will enable trade bodies and government bodies to coordinate efforts to improve exports. The move ocmes at the backdrop of the government's efforts to boost employment in the private segment by increasing business. In this effort, the government has been trying to cut red-tape and improve Ease of Doing Business

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